• Coaching,  Wellness

    On My Dream of Simplicity

    How to make a life, not just a living. I had been longing to visit the Dream Bank in Madison for the past couple years–since I knew it existed. Everything I had heard about the mission and goals to inspire the community made it very appealing to me. So after finding this freedom (from work), I decided to monitor and set goals for each day and week as to input and output. This transformed by time, whether I was spending time with my mother or pursuing other learning. Remember, this is the time for me to acquire that which is not possible while working. So last month Bruce and I…

  • Wellness

    Financial Wellness Really is a Thing

    And It Is a Workout! New year brings a plethora of approaches to make your life better. I’ve heard this term: Financial Wellness. I am not a stranger to this term. As a School Wellness Liaison, this category came up in the content to support teacher wellness. When I first heard it, I found it a bit odd. It was the thing not like the others that I was passing along to teachers to support their wellness: workouts, sleep, meditation, nutrition. All the normal wellness approaches that I know much about sat well in my self-improvement expanding knowledge. But finances!? There is something that I don’t have a lot of…