• Wellness

    Start your clutter and chaos-free life now

    I realize that I have only scratched the surface of the decluttering game. I must say more! First, I went to a decluttering presentation in my city after my last post. It seemed appropriate and I am really fascinated with the psychology found here. I’m hooked on a simple life. Well, I found lots of people thinking and wondering about this topic too. The room was full. People came from work for this free session in the middle of the day, middle of the week, with a desire for a clutter-free home and life. Men, women, young, and old were present and all ears. I will give credit where credit…

  • Wellness

    Decluttering for Empty-Nesters

    Why is decluttering so difficult? It sounds easy. We moved twice to get rid of stuff. But there are still tears in what I call the next level of the declutter game. It changes over time as you change. Let me explain. Some years back before the declutter trend of today I was fascinated by the idea of having less. People were just starting to write about it. One such geek bragged of “100 Things”. Actually, the awe and wonder from this young man’s point of view was that he had acquired 100 things. He hadn’t purged to get to 100. He was renting one room from a friend, confident…

  • Teaching,  Wellness

    A Typical Classroom—A-typical Attitude

    I heard a song today on the car radio. It was about “living to work” or “working to live.” Those were the actual lyrics. Also the basis for most of my thinking right now. A google search confirmed that this is definitely on many minds—turning up millions of hits for those six words. The thing is, teachers choose this field as a way of life, a way of being. Art and craft. A calling. Teaching requires something more than some 9 to 5s. Call it compassion like I did here. Or call it an identity. What I consider here might help teachers like me wondering how to feel great again…